Breathwork @ Turn A New Leaf
This Breathwork healing group is at Turn a New Leaf Intuitive Energy & Bodywork, located in Saratoga Springs.
Breathwork is an active meditation that moves stuck energy in the body (fear, anger, anxiety, grief, and negative thought patterns). As you breathe your mind begins to quiet, endorphins are released, and your heart energy center opens.
Breathwork helps you release what is not serving you in your life, leaving you feeling lighter and more grounded. It calms your nervous system, allows you to let go and connect to yourself, and reduces tension and anxiety.
This session includes Breathwork, a playlist of music, and time for integration (a silent meditation). In this powerful healing session you will breathe, open your energy centers, and maybe even shed some cleansing tears.
No experience with Breathwork or meditation is necessary.
Dress in comfortable clothes. Bring a yoga mat, blanket, pair of socks and a water bottle. Eye pillow/covering optional.
$44 per person
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