Breathwork @ Turn A New Leaf
10:00 AM10:00

Breathwork @ Turn A New Leaf

This Breathwork healing group is at Turn a New Leaf Intuitive Energy & Bodywork, located in Saratoga Springs.

Breathwork is an active meditation that moves stuck energy in the body (fear, anger, anxiety, grief, and negative thought patterns). As you breathe your mind begins to quiet, endorphins are released, and your heart energy center opens.

Breathwork helps you release what is not serving you in your life, leaving you feeling lighter and more grounded. It calms your nervous system, allows you to let go and connect to yourself, and reduces tension and anxiety.

This session includes Breathwork, a playlist of music, and time for integration (a silent meditation). In this powerful healing session you will breathe, open your energy centers, and maybe even shed some cleansing tears.

No experience with Breathwork or meditation is necessary.

Dress in comfortable clothes. Bring a yoga mat, blanket, pair of socks and a water bottle. Eye pillow/covering optional.

$44 per person

Register here

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Winter Solstice Breathwork
2:00 PM14:00

Winter Solstice Breathwork

  • Saratoga Spa State Park - Roosevelt II (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This is an in-person Breathwork healing group at Saratoga Spa State Park - Wellness Center at Roosevelt II

Breathwork is an active meditation that moves stuck energy in the body (fear, anger, anxiety, grief, and negative thought patterns). As you breathe your mind begins to quiet, endorphins are released, and your heart begins to open. The breath brings up what is most important for you at the time of the session and promotes deep healing and lasting inner peace.

An open heart is a state of being. When your heart is open you let love flow through you. You feel open, accepting, and expansive. We all experience it. It happens during a good laugh, when receiving love from someone else, and even when spending time in nature. It feels amazing and it’s something we want to feel more often.

How would it change your life? What could you attract with this new high-flying vibration?

Benefits of Breathwork - renewed energy, express emotions, reduce chronic pain, strengthen mental focus, strengthen immune system, establish healthy sleep cycles and relieve stress, anxiety and overwhelm.

No prior experience with Breathwork or meditation is necessary.

Dress in comfortable clothes. Bring a yoga mat for lying down, a blanket for covering your body and a water bottle. Eat lightly, it is not recommended to eat a large meal before Breathwork.

Fee: $44.00 per person

Register here

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Breathwork @ High Peaks Yoga Shala
12:00 PM12:00

Breathwork @ High Peaks Yoga Shala

Breathwork is a simple, powerful technique, accessible to everyone. Because your breath is a bridge between body, mind and spirit, each session becomes a platform for transformational work and healing.

As adults we often lose the effortless and full rhythmic breathing we had as babies and we tend to breathe in shallow short breaths which restricts the flow of our life force energy.

You will breathe along with music that helps you focus on the breath, inhaling into your belly and into your heart. This steady, 3-part breath floods your body with energy. As the energy accumulates, it moves freely within the body. There are a wide range of sensations that you may feel during a Breathwork session.

Every individual is unique, but most people experience tingling, vibrating sensations, as well as both physical and emotional release. Each session concludes with an integration (relaxation) phase that leaves you feeling clear and energized.

The breath brings up what is most important for you at the time of the session and promotes deep and lasting inner peace. Breathwork clients often report increased mental clarity, increased intuition and a greater connection to self, Source and love.

Dress in comfortable clothes and bring a water bottle. Eye pillow/cover (optional).

Yoga mats, blankets and bolsters are provided at the studio or you may bring your own.

No prior experience with Breathwork or meditation is necessary.

Breathwork Healing group at 12:00 PM or 4:00 PM

$44.00 per person

Register here

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Breathe Through the Holiday
7:00 PM19:00

Breathe Through the Holiday

This virtual event is in collaboration with Gina Lynn’s Guest Speaker Series

During this session, you will have a breathwork experience that will ground you and help you to remember to take a pause, let go and to breathe through the holiday season. 

Breathwork is an active meditation that moves stuck energy (fear, anger, anxiety grief and negative thought patterns) in the body, using a circular breathing technique. As you begin the active breathe your mind begins to quiet, endorphins are released and your heart chakra begins to open.  Breathwork leaves you feeling lighter and more grounded. It calms your nervous system, allowing you to let go and connect to self. 

Your experience will be private and in the comfort of your own space. Please have a glass of water, your favorite journal or notebook, handy. You may want a yoga mat and comfy blankets as you will be laying down. Come experience for yourself the benefits of breathwork

No experience with meditation or breathwork necessary.


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Inhale Love, Exhale Gratitude - Virtual Breathwork Group
9:30 AM09:30

Inhale Love, Exhale Gratitude - Virtual Breathwork Group

Breathwork is a simple, powerful technique, accessible to everyone. Because your breath is a bridge between body, mind and spirit, each session becomes a platform for transformational work and healing.

As adults we often lose the effortless and full rhythmic breathing we had as babies and we tend to breathe in shallow short breaths which restricts the flow of our life force energy.

Breathwork sessions can recalibrate the nervous system and result in an open heart and greater love for self; healing of grief and trauma; and increased joy, happiness and abundance.

You will breathe along with music that helps you focus on the breath, inhaling into your belly and into your heart. This steady, active breath floods your body with energy.

Every individual is unique, but most people experience tingling, vibrating sensations, as well as both physical and emotional release.

You will be lying down for most of the session, in the comfort of your own home. Screens on or off, your choice.

Each session concludes with an integration phase that leaves you feeling clear and energized.

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Breathwork at Buddha Shala Yoga Studio
5:30 PM17:30

Breathwork at Buddha Shala Yoga Studio

  • Buddha Shala Yoga & Dance Studio (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

An open heart is a state of being. When your heart is open you let love flow through you. You feel open, accepting, and expansive. We all experience it. It happens during a good laugh, when receiving love from someone else, and even when spending time in nature. It feels amazing and it’s something we want to feel more often.

How would an open heart change your life? What could you attract with this new high-flying vibration?

Breathwork is an active meditation that moves stuck energy in the body (fear, anger, anxiety, grief, and negative thought patterns). As you breathe your mind begins to quiet, endorphins are released, and your heart begins to open. The breath brings up what is most important for you at the time of the session and promotes deep healing and lasting inner peace.

No prior experience with Breathwork or meditation is necessary.

Bring a yoga mat, a small pillow, and a blanket for comfort. Wear comfortable clothes.

Register here

Fee: $25.00 per person 

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Breathwork with Brigitte
6:00 PM18:00

Breathwork with Brigitte

  • Greater Life Grief Counseling (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Breathwork is a simple, powerful technique, accessible to everyone. Because your breath is a bridge between body, mind and spirit, each session becomes a platform for transformational work and healing.

As adults we often lose the effortless and full rhythmic breathing we had as babies and we tend to breathe in shallow short breaths which restricts the flow of our life force energy.

You will breathe along with music that helps you focus on the breath, inhaling into your belly and into your heart. This steady, 2-part breath floods your body with energy. As the energy accumulates, it moves freely within the body. There are a wide range of sensations that you may feel during a Breathwork session.

Every individual is unique, but most people experience tingling, vibrating sensations, as well as both physical and emotional release. Each session concludes with an integration (relaxation) phase that leaves you feeling clear and energized.

The breath brings up what is most important for you at the time of the session and promotes deep and lasting inner peace. Breathwork clients often report increased mental clarity, increased intuition and a greater connection to self, Source and love.

Dress in comfortable clothes. Bring a yoga mat, water bottle, and a blanket.

No prior experience with Breathwork or meditation is necessary.

$25.00 per person

Register here

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Breathwork online with Yoga Mandali
6:00 PM18:00

Breathwork online with Yoga Mandali

Breathwork is an active meditation that moves stuck energy in the body (anger, anxiety, grief, fear and negative thought patterns). As a person breathes, their mind begins to quiet, endorphins are released and the heart begins to open.

Call in the calm this holiday season. Experience the powerful practice that relieves anxiety, releases stress, and allows us to return to love of self.

No prior experience with Breathwork or meditation is necessary.

Tuesday, December 14
6:00 PM - 7:15 PM
$25.00 per person

Sign Up!

The Zoom link will be emailed to you on the day of the session.

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Breathwork online with KindNest
6:00 PM18:00

Breathwork online with KindNest

Breathwork helps you release what is not serving you in your life, leaving you feeling lighter and more grounded. It calms the nervous system, allows you to let go, connect to self and reduces tension and anxiety.

Breathwork is an active meditation that moves stuck energy (fear, anger, anxiety, grief and negative thought patterns) in the body, using a circular 2-part breathing technique. As a person breathes their mind begins to quiet, endorphins are released and the heart begins to open.

No prior experience with Breathwork or meditation is necessary.

Fee: $25.00 per person, per session

Sign Up!

*On the day of the event, you will receive an email with a Zoom link for joining the session.

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Breathwork for Love
6:00 PM18:00

Breathwork for Love

An open heart is a state of being. When your heart is open you let love flow through you. You feel open, accepting, and expansive. We all experience it. It may happen after a good laugh, after receiving love from someone else or after spending time in nature. It feels amazing and it’s something we all want more often.

How would it change your life? What could you attract with this new high-flying vibration?

Breathwork is an active meditation that moves stuck energy in the body (fear, anger, anxiety, grief, and negative thought patterns). As you breathe your mind begins to quiet, endorphins are released, and your heart begins to open. The breath brings up what is most important for you at the time of the session and promotes deep healing and lasting inner peace.

This workshop will include Breathwork, an upbeat playlist of music, and time for integration.

No prior experience with Breathwork or meditation is necessary.

This workshop is created in collaboration with Amy Hedges.

Tuesday, June 1

6:00-7:15 PM
$25 per person

Sign Up!

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Thriving through Connection - Virtual Breathwork
10:00 AM10:00

Thriving through Connection - Virtual Breathwork

*This is a virtual group in the comfort of your own home. You will need Zoom to participate.

Together and alone. Human connection inspires the most amazing acts of love and generosity. Join me in this online session as we use the breath to begin working towards your connection with yourself, your value, and your vision, so that you may increase and improve your connection with others.

Breathwork calms your mind, opens your heart and increases your life force energy. It is a simple, yet powerful self-healing practice. In this session you will use your breath to move stuck energy in your body (fear, anger, anxiety, grief and negative thought patterns). As you breathe, your mind begins to quiet, endorphins are released and your heart opens to love. When you trust your breath it will take you on a journey towards compassion (self love).

Breathwork may help with the following: Relieve stress and anxiety. Eliminate toxins. Strengthen mental focus. Boost immune system. Inspire creativity. Establish healthy sleep cycles. Reduce chronic pain. Enhance performance in business and athletics.

Join in for a fun and love-filled session of Breathwork. This is an opportunity to connect, laugh and love yourself up.

DATES: Sundays, August 16 and 30

TIME: 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM EDT

FEE: $22.00

Email me if you are in need of financial support, no one will be turned away.

No previous experience with Breathwork is necessary.

*Instructions and the link to join the group will be emailed to you on the day of the virtual event.

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Virtual Breathwork w/Blue Lagoon Wellness - Wilmington NC
6:30 PM18:30

Virtual Breathwork w/Blue Lagoon Wellness - Wilmington NC

Our bodies want to be healthy. Let your breath help you restore your body to its natural state of wellness so that you not only feel better, you are better.

Breathwork is an active meditation that moves stuck energy (fear, anger, anxiety, grief and negative thought patterns) in the body, using a circular two-part breathing technique. As you breathe your mind begins to quiet, endorphins are released, and your heart begins to open.

Breathwork helps you release what is not serving you in your life, leaving you feeling lighter and more grounded. It calms the nervous system allowing you to let go, connect to yourself, and reduce tension and anxiety.

This workshop will include Breathwork, an upbeat playlist and time for integration (a silent meditation). In this powerful session you will breathe, laugh, yell and maybe even cry. It is healing, it is love.

No prior experience with Breathwork or mediation is necessary.

Thursday, May 21 from 6:30-8:00 PM
$30.00 per person, register here.

*After registration you will receive a Zoom link to join the session.

To learn more about Brigitte, visit

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Virtual Breathwork with Yogi Vibes Studio - Greenville NC
6:00 PM18:00

Virtual Breathwork with Yogi Vibes Studio - Greenville NC

An open heart is a state of being. When your heart is open you let love flow through you. You feel open, accepting and expansive. We all experience it. It may happen after a good laugh, after receiving love from someone else, or after spending time in nature. It feels amazing and it’s something we want to feel more often.

How would it change your life? What could you attract with this new high-flying vibration?

Breathwork is an active meditation that moves stuck energy in the body (fear, anger, anxiety, grief and negative thought patterns). As you breathe your mind begins to quiet, endorphins are released and your heart begins to open. The breath brings up what is most important for you at the time of the session and promotes deep healing and lasting inner peace.

No prior experience with Breathwork or meditation is necessary.

Fee: $30.00 per person

Register here

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Virtual Breathwork for TEENS w/KindNest - Ballston Lake NY
2:30 PM14:30

Virtual Breathwork for TEENS w/KindNest - Ballston Lake NY

This session is designed specifically for teens ages 13-17 years old. Breathwork is an active meditation that can help teens deal with stress, anxiety, depression, grief and self-esteem. It’s not boring, it’s like a workout! And it’s set to a playlist of music. The breath allows teens to be in charge of their emotions.

*You will need Zoom to participate. Upon registration you will receive an email with a link for joining virtually.

Fee: $15.00

Register here

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Virtual Breathwork w/Yoga In Common - Myrtle Beach, SC
9:30 AM09:30

Virtual Breathwork w/Yoga In Common - Myrtle Beach, SC

Breathwork connects you to your energy. It is an active meditation that moves stuck energy in the body (fear, anger, anxiety, grief and negative thought patterns). As you breathe, your mind begins to quiet, endorphins are released and your heart begins to open.

The virtual session will begin with a short, guided meditation then I’ll teach you the active 2-part breathing technique. After Breathwork I will guide you into a brief integration (rest) to complete the practice. At the end, we will have a few minutes for questions and sharing.

No prior experience with Breathwork or meditation is necessary.

Fee: $22 per person

Register here

*You will receive a link to join the Zoom meeting after registering for an event.

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Breathwork w/Terra Sol Sanctuary AND Salty Dog Yoga + Surf - Wilmington NC
3:00 PM15:00

Breathwork w/Terra Sol Sanctuary AND Salty Dog Yoga + Surf - Wilmington NC

When you ask, who am I, you take the first step into reclaiming your personal power. There are so many wonderful opportunities, people and experiences awaiting you! It’s time to drop your armor and stop protecting your identity. Open your heart, love heals.

Breathwork connects you to your energy. It is an active meditation that moves stuck energy in the body (fear, anger, anxiety, grief and negative thought patterns). As you breathe, your mind begins to quiet, endorphins are released and the heart begins to open. Your energy will rise and you will feel it. It’s a powerful process. Healing. When you trust your breath it will take you on a journey to self-love. This workshop will include a 2-part breathing technique, an upbeat playlist of music and essential oils. We will cleanse and clear your body and mind, leaving you feeling lighter, grounded and more joyful.

No prior experience with Breathwork or meditation is necessary.

Fee: $22.00

Register with Terra Sol Sanctuary or Salty Dog Yoga + Surf

*This is virtual group in the comfort of your own home. You will receive a Zoom link after registration.

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Virtual Breathwork w/Effervescence Yoga Spa - Port Royal, SC
3:00 PM15:00

Virtual Breathwork w/Effervescence Yoga Spa - Port Royal, SC

Breathwork is a simple, powerful technique, accessible to everyone. Because your breath is a bridge between body, mind and spirit, each session becomes a platform for transformation and healing. When we breathe in a conscious, steady, and rhythmic pattern, energy rises, our hearts open and trapped emotions are released. Breathwork sessions can re-calibrate the nervous system, resulting in…

- An open heart and greater love for self

- Healing of grief and trauma

- Increased joy, happiness and abundance.

You will breathe along with music that helps you focus on the breath, inhaling into your belly and into your heart. This steady, 2-part breath floods your body with energy. As the energy accumulates, it moves freely within the body. There are a wide range of sensations that you may feel during a Breathwork session. Every individual is unique, but most people experience tingling, vibrating sensations, as well as both physical and emotional release. Each session concludes with a 10-15 minute integration (relaxation) phase that leaves you feeling clear and energized.

The breath brings up what is most important for you at the time of the session and promotes deep and lasting inner peace. Breathwork clients often report increased mental clarity, increased intuition and a greater connection to self, Source and love.

Register here

*After registering you will receive an email with a link to join the Zoom meeting.

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Virtual Breathwork with Yoga Cure Healing Hot Yoga
4:00 PM16:00

Virtual Breathwork with Yoga Cure Healing Hot Yoga

Breathwork is a simple, powerful technique, accessible to everyone. Because your breath is a bridge between body, mind and spirit, each session becomes a platform for transformational work and healing. As adults we often lose the effortless and full rhythmic breathing we had as babies and we tend to breath in shallow short breaths which restricts the flow of our life force energy. Breathowork sessions can recalibrate the nervous system and result in an open heart and greater love for self; healing of grief and trauma; and increased joy, happiness and abundance.

You will breathe along with music that helps you focus on the breath, inhaling into your belly and into your heart. This steady, 2-part breath floods your body with energy. As the energy accumulates, it moves freely within the body. There are a wide range of sensations that you may feel during a Breathwork session. Every individual is unique, but most people experience tingling, vibrating sensations, as well as both physical and emotional release. Each session concludes with a 10-15 integration (relaxation) phase that leaves you feeling clear and energized.

The breath brings up what is most important for you at the time of the session and promotes deep and lasting inner peace. Breathwork clients often report increased mental clarity, increased intuition and a greater connection to self, Source and love.

Fee: $22.00

Zoom is required for you to participate. The link to join Zoom will be emailed to you. Register here

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Breathwork @ Yoga Art Lounge, Satellite Beach FL
1:00 PM13:00

Breathwork @ Yoga Art Lounge, Satellite Beach FL

Our bodies want to be healthy. Let your breath help you restore your body to its natural state of wellness so that you not only feel better, you are better.

Breathwork is an active meditation that moves congested energy in the body (fear, anger, anxiety, grief, loneliness, heartbreak and negative thought patterns). In this workshop you will learn a 2-part breathing technique. As you breathe, your mind begins to quiet, endorphins are released and your heart begins to open. Your energy will rise and you will feel it. It is a powerful healing process. It is love.

No prior experience with Breathwork or meditation is necessary.

The studio provides yoga mats, blankets and bolster, or you may bring your own. Wear comfortable clothes.

$30.00 per person. Register here

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Breathwork @ The Yoga Lounge, New Smyrna Beach FL
7:00 PM19:00

Breathwork @ The Yoga Lounge, New Smyrna Beach FL

Breathwork calms your mind, opens your heart and increases your life force energy. It is a simple, yet powerful self-healing practice. In this workshop you will use your breath to move stuck energy in your body (fear, anger, anxiety, grief and negative thought patterns). As you breathe, your mind begins to quiet, endorphins are released and your heart begins to open. When you trust your breath it will take you on a journey towards self-love, compassion and healing.

No previous experience with Breathwork or meditation is necessary.

Wear comfortable clothes. You will need a mat for laying down. A bolster for under your knees and a blanket for warmth. Eye cover, optional.

Register here

$18 members / $20 pre-register / $25 at the door.

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Breathwork + Reiki @ Jiva Yoga, Hilton Head SC
2:00 PM14:00

Breathwork + Reiki @ Jiva Yoga, Hilton Head SC

Breathwork connects you to your energy. It is an active meditation that moves stuck energy/emotions in the body. As you breathe, your mind begins to quiet, endorphins are released and your heart (chakra) begins to open. Your energy will rise and you will feel it. It’s a powerful process. Healing. When you trust the breath, it will take you on quite a journey. Many participants say it’s like nothing they’ve ever experienced before.

In this workshop I will teach you a 2-part breathing technique and apply essential oils (not required). A curated playlist of music allows a deeper experience and helps you focus on your breath. I’ll guide you through the entire process, ending with time for a restorative integration.

Bring your yoga mat for laying down, comfy clothes and a water bottle. You may bring a blanket and an eye cover, if you like.

$25 in advance / $30 day of event. Register here.

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Breathwork @ Island Yoga, Hilton Head SC
5:30 PM17:30

Breathwork @ Island Yoga, Hilton Head SC

Breathwork is an active meditation that moves stuck energy in the body (fear, anger, anxiety, grief and negative thought patterns). As you breath, your mind begins to quiet and your heart begins to open. 

Every individual is unique, but most people experience tingling, vibrating sensations, as well as both physical and emotional release. The breath brings up what is most important for you at the time of the session and promotes deep healing and lasting inner peace. 

How you breathe is a direct reflection of how you show up in life. As you work consciously with your breath, you have the ability to reset your nervous system, uncover blocks and integrate healthy patterns into your body and life.

In this workshop you will embrace your intuition, build your self-confidence and discover your worth. I will create a safe space, guiding and gently supporting you as you learn the 2-part breathing technique. Essential oils may be applied to your skin to assist the process. You will breathe along with music that helps you focus on your breath, inhaling into your belly and into your heart. Reiki will also be offered. The session will conclude with a 10-15 minute integration (relaxation) phase that leaves you clear and energized. 

No prior experience with Breathwork or meditation is necessary. 

Register here

Wear comfortable clothes. Yoga mats, blankets and bolsters are available at the studio, or you may bring your own. You may also bring a water bottle and an eye cover, if you like.

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Breathwork @ Injoy Movement Studio, Wilmington NC
9:00 AM09:00

Breathwork @ Injoy Movement Studio, Wilmington NC

A Journey to Self-Love

To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness. Self-love requires courage. Have the strength to be who you are in a world that desperately tries to make you different. You carry so much love in your heart, it’s time to give some to yourself.

Breathwork is an active meditation that moves stuck energy in the body (fear, anger, anxiety, grief, negative thought patterns). As you breathe, your mind begins to quiet, endorphins are released, and your heart begins to open. It is healing. It is love. Every individual is unique, but most people experience tingling, vibrating sensations, as well as, both physical and emotional release. The breath brings up what is most important for you at the time of the session and promotes deep healing and lasting inner peace.

In this workshop you will embrace your intuition, build your self-confidence and discover your worthiness. It will create a safe space, guiding and gently supporting you as you learn the 2-part breathing technique. Essential oils may be applied to your skin to assist the process. You will breathe along with music that helps you focus on your breath, inhaling into your belly and into your heart. Reiki will be offered. Each session concludes with a 10-15 minute integration (relaxation) phase that leaves you clear and energized.

No prior experience with Breathwork or meditation is necessary.

Fee: $40.00 per person

To register, call or email Emily Hudson at 910-803-1242 or

Wear comfortable clothes. Bring a yoga mat, a blanket for warmth and a pillow (to use as a bolster under your knees). You may also bring a water bottle and an eye cover, if you like.

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Breathwork @ WellNest Studios
12:30 PM12:30

Breathwork @ WellNest Studios

Breathing Love Breathwork

We can only give and receive as much love with others, as we give to ourselves. The more you love yourself, the more you begin to love your life, and exude love to others.

As you feel more joyful and loving of others, you will continually allow more love into your life. You are invited to take a deep dive, using your breath, to tap into the infinite energy that surrounds you. You will be guided to connect into your true essence as Love itself.

This workshop will include Breathwork, an upbeat playlist of music, essential oil and time for integration (a silent meditation). In this gentle, yet powerful session you will breathe, laugh, yell and maybe even cry. It is healing. It is love.

Breathwork is an active meditation that moves stuck energy (fear, anger, anxiety, grief and negative thought patterns) in the body, using a 2-part breathing technique. As you breathe, your mind begins to quiet, endorphins are released and your heart begins to open.

No prior experience with Breathwork or meditation is necessary.

Fee: $25.00 in advance. $30.00 at the door.

Yoga mats, blankets and bolsters are available at the studio, or you may bring your own. Wear comfortable clothes.

Register here.

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Breathwork @ The Pilates Institute
10:30 AM10:30

Breathwork @ The Pilates Institute

Breathwork to Invite Love

Are you seeking a deeper relationship with yourself and others? Do you have a desire to connect with all the love that lives inside you? In these sessions we will focus on love and value of self. How you feel about yourself is directly related to how you treat yourself. Learning to honor your well-being is necessary for living up to your potential. Sometimes we overlook our amazing qualities. Let’s love your uniqueness!

Breathwork is an active meditation that moves stuck energy in the body (fear, anger, anxiety, grief and negative thought patters). As a person breathes, the mind begins to quiet and the heart begins to open. During these sessions you will let go of anything that is holding you back, reveal your true self and connect to your innate strength and wisdom. You will nurture and cleanse your emotional body with Breathwork.

No prior experience with Breathwork or meditation is necessary.

Sunday, January 26

10:30 - 11:45 AM. Hosted by The Pilates Institute, Natasha Lafayette, located at 37 Henry Street, Suite 202, Saratoga Springs NY.

Fee: $25.00 per person, per session. Space is limited, pre-registration required.

Wear comfortable clothes. Bring a yoga mat, a blanket and a pillow (to use as a bolster). If you like, you may also bring an eye covering and a water bottle.

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Breathwork @ Saltitude
6:00 PM18:00

Breathwork @ Saltitude

Love yourself first. Love yourself most. Breath is the medicine.

Breathwork is an active meditation that moves stuck energy in the body (fear, anger, anxiety, grief and negative thought patterns) using a 2-part breathing technique. As you breathe, your mind begins to quiet, endorphins are released and your heart begins to open. It is healing. It is love.

Breathwork helps release what is not serving you in your life, leaving you feeling lighter and more grounded. It calms the nervous system, relieves stress & anxiety, strengthens mental focus, inspires creativity and boosts the immune system.

This is a unique experience that allows for deep, gentle healing for your body, mind and spirit as you reconnect and rediscover your soul essence.

This workshop will include Breathwork, an upbeat playlist, essential oils (not required) and time for integration (a silent meditation).

No prior experience with Breathwork or meditation is necessary. Wear comfortable clothes and white socks.

Fee: $45.00

To register, call Saltitude at 401-359-7937, or email

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Introduction to Breathwork @ Revibe
3:00 PM15:00

Introduction to Breathwork @ Revibe

Breathwork is an active meditation that moves stuck energy (fear, anger, anxiety, grief and negative thought patterns) in the body, using a circular 2-part breathing technique. As a person breathes, their mind begins to quiet, endorphins are released and the heart (chakra) begins to open.
Breathwork helps you release what is not serving you in your life, leaving you feeling lighter and more grounded. It calms the nervous system, allows you to let go, connect to self, and reduces tension and anxiety.

This class will include, Breathwork, an upbeat playlist, essential oils and time for integration (a silent meditation). No prior experience with Breathwork or meditation is necessary.

Wear comfortable clothes. Brings a yoga mat, blanket and a water bottle.

Fee: $20 per person; $30 for you and a friend. Register here.

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Breathwork @ A Place Called Om
6:15 PM18:15

Breathwork @ A Place Called Om

Breathwork connects you to your energy. It is an active meditation that moves stuck energy in the body (fear, anger, anxiety, grief and negative thought patterns). As a person breathes, their mind begins to quiet, endorphins are released and the heart begins to open. Your energy will rise and you will feel it. It’s a powerful process. Healing. When you trust your breath it will take you on a journey to self-love. This workshop will include a 2-part breathing technique, an upbeat playlist of music and essential oils. We will cleanse and clear your body and mind, leaving you feeling lighter, grounded and more joyful.

No prior experience with Breathwork or meditation is necessary.

Fee: $25.00 per person

Yoga mats, blankets and bolsters are provided at the studio, or you may bring your own. Wear comfortable clothes.

Space is limited, register here.

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Breathwork @ Hot Yoga Lake Placid
11:00 AM11:00

Breathwork @ Hot Yoga Lake Placid

Breathwork connects you to your energy. It is an active meditation that moves stuck energy in the body (fear, anger, anxiety, grief and negative thought patterns). As a person breathes their mind begins to quiet, endorphins are released and the heart begins to open. Your energy will rise and you will feel it. It’s a powerful process. Healing. When you trust your breath it’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced before!

No prior experience with Breathwork or meditation is necessary.

Yoga mats are required and available to rent. Water bottle, bolsters, blankets and eye covers optional.

$25 per person. Pre-registration is highly recommended.


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Breathwork @ Summit Yoga
11:00 AM11:00

Breathwork @ Summit Yoga

Are you feeling stuck? Living out of sync with your desires? There's a place inside of you that is bigger than your thoughts and emotions. This part of you is always in love, because it is love!

Join me for a journey to self-love.

Breathwork is an active meditation that moves stuck energy in your body (fear, anger, anxiety, grief, and negative thought patterns). As a person breathes, the mind begins to quiet and the heart begins to open. This class will include an active 2-part breathing technique, essential oils (not required) and an upbeat playlist.

No prior experience with Breathwork or meditation is necessary.

Dress in comfortable clothes. Yoga mats required.

Fee: $25.00 per person

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