Breathwork to Invite Love
Are you seeking a deeper relationship with yourself and others? Do you have a desire to connect with all the love that lives inside you? In these sessions we will focus on love and value of self. How you feel about yourself is directly related to how you treat yourself. Learning to honor your well-being is necessary for living up to your potential. Sometimes we overlook our amazing qualities. Let’s love your uniqueness!
Breathwork is an active meditation that moves stuck energy in the body (fear, anger, anxiety, grief and negative thought patters). As a person breathes, the mind begins to quiet and the heart begins to open. During these sessions you will let go of anything that is holding you back, reveal your true self and connect to your innate strength and wisdom. You will nurture and cleanse your emotional body with Breathwork.
No prior experience with Breathwork or meditation is necessary.
Sunday, January 26
10:30 - 11:45 AM. Hosted by The Pilates Institute, Natasha Lafayette, located at 37 Henry Street, Suite 202, Saratoga Springs NY.
Fee: $25.00 per person, per session. Space is limited, pre-registration required.
Wear comfortable clothes. Bring a yoga mat, a blanket and a pillow (to use as a bolster). If you like, you may also bring an eye covering and a water bottle.